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Common Driving Test Mistakes You Should Steer Clear of


Some people feel they know how to drive before they take the test, but there are certain mistakes that can cause you to fail. Be sure to avoid these mistakes during the test in order to pass. We’ve listed the most common mistakes below. Read on to be more aware of your driving while taking the test.

Common Driving Test Mistakes You Should Steer Clear of

1 – Use Your Mirrors

Using your mirrors is incredibly important, especially when reversing. Before you even start the car, you should adjust your mirrors, so you have a clear view of the road behind you.

During the driving test, the examiner will be looking to see if you are using your mirrors regularly. Every time you change direction, check your mirrors. This includes when you turn a corner, change lanes and when you park.

2 – Incorrect Signal Use

Using your indicators correctly is vital to let other road users know what you are doing. You should indicate in plenty of time before you turn and cancel the signal once you have completed the manoeuvre. If you forget to indicate, the examiner will be forced to guess what you are doing, which could result in you failing your test.

3 – Hesitation

Hesitation is another common driving test mistake. You may find yourself hesitating at junctions or when changing gear. This is often caused by nerves. It is important to remember that the examiner is not looking to trick you. They want you to pass, so if you are unsure of what to do, ask.

4 – Poor Positioning

Positioning is vital, especially when turning. You should be in the correct position before you turn. This will make the manoeuvre much easier and will also help you to stay safe.

5 – Use All Your Controls

Before you set off, you should check all your controls. This includes your indicators, windscreen wipers, lights, mirrors and seatbelt. Taking note to use all the proper safety features of your vehicle will also be taken into account, so you shouldn’t forget about them.

6 – Driving Too Fast or Not Close to the Speed Limit

We all know how easy it is to speed on the road. Even though the speeding limit is put in place for a reason, many people still choose to drive over the limit. This is because they are either in a rush or are not paying attention to their speedometer.

In the eyes of the law, driving too fast for the conditions is just as bad as driving over the limit. This means that even if the speed limit is 80km/h and the weather conditions dictate that you should be driving at 60km/h, you should still drive at 60km/h.


These are the important things to keep in mind as you do your driver’s test. Make sure you know the material and are comfortable with it before you take the test. Be confident and take your time. Don’t rush, and don’t make any of the mistakes mentioned above.

If you want to properly prepare for your driving test in Langley, come to Midtown Driving School. At Midtown Driving School, we have designed classes with the busy student in mind. We have a very flexible system of classes that allows students to take the classes in any order they wish and at their own pace.

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6 Vital Tips to Help You Pass Your ICBC Road Test

ICBC Road Test

Are you trying to prepare for your ICBC road test? If so, things can get quite hectic at times as you are trying to do your best to succeed. Understandably, you want to ace the test, ensuring minimal to no mistakes are made to not only pass your exam but also train yourself to become a safer driver.

Well, with that said, if you are looking for tips to successfully pass your ICBC road test, here are some tips you need to follow:

1. Ensure the Car Is in Good Condition

The first thing you need to do is ensure the car you intend to use for your ICBC road test is in good condition. This means that you will want to check the condition of the brake lights, headlights, indicators, tire pressure, and more. Doing so not only ensures you’re safe while driving but can give your instructor a sense that you know what you’re doing.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

With that said, you should also practice driving the course you are going to take in order to prepare yourself for the test. More often than not, drivers will have to drive up a ramp and reverse back down the opposite ramp. You should practice this as much as possible in order to see if you can do it smoothly and correctly.

3. Use Signal Lights Effectively

When you drive, you should use your signal lights correctly and effectively. This way, it will be easier for the examiner to know where you are going and what you are doing. Therefore, ensure that you are properly signalling when you are changing lanes, turning, and more.

4. Thoroughly Scan Intersections

You should always be on the lookout while driving. This way, you will be able to actively be aware of everything that is around you. When you are scanning, you should be looking out for other traffic and the road ahead of you. This especially applies to intersections where cars can be coming from various directions and may put you at risk if you make a mistake.

5. Check Your Blind Spots

It is also important to always check your blind spots. Why? Cars, people, and other things can be hiding in the blind spot, and if you don’t know they’re there, you might just end up hitting them. So, checking over your shoulders often and looking at the mirrors before making turns and the like can ensure you aren’t putting yourself and anyone else at risk.

6. Have a Good Driving Position

Lastly, ensure that you have a good driving position when you drive. Having a good driving position will allow you to have better control of the vehicle as well as be able to see better. Therefore, you should position your feet so that you can easily reach the foot pedals, your back should be straight, and your hands should be at the nine and three o’clock positions.


If you’re going to pass your ICBC road test, you need to ensure you’re doing everything by the book. This means that you should always follow the traffic laws, ensure your car is in good condition, practice driving the course, and more. The better you do, the better your chances of passing and becoming a safer driver!

Midtown Driving School offers classes designed with busy people in mind, offering flexible classes that allow anyone to take classes in the order they want. If you are looking for driving classes in Langley, reach out to us today!

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6 Things You Should Expect in an In-Car Driving Lesson

Car Driving Lesson

Driving is a necessary skill because you won’t be able to go to many places if you don’t know how to. Commuting is an option, but you’ll have to deal with many people. For this reason, driving is a quintessential life skill. Of course, you won’t be able to drive without taking a driving test first.

Driving tests are split into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical aspect tests your mental knowledge, while the practical exam requires you to be inside a car with an instructor. This is where many people often fail because they’re usually nervous, affecting their performance. When this happens, they’ll need to start over from the beginning. Because of this, one must know the things to expect in an in-car driving lesson, such as:

#1 – Bring Your Learner’s Permit

Your lessons won’t start without your learner’s permit. This is an essential thing you will bring because without this, you won’t be allowed to maneuver the vehicle. You won’t be allowed on the road if you don’t have it.

#2 – You Start in the Passenger Seat

You won’t start at the wheel when you take your driving lesson. Instead, you’ll begin as the passenger. Your instructor will brief you on the basics, such as starting the car and getting acquainted with the controls. This is necessary because easing you into driving is the best way to avoid overwhelming you.

Mirrors are vital because they’re your only way of seeing what’s behind you. The pedals are also introduced because the brakes are needed first if something terrible happens.

#3 – You Will Switch Places and Be in the Driver’s Seat

Once acquainted with the controls, you’ll be allowed to drive the vehicle. The only difference is that you’ll start on a closed course. The instructor will direct you through various maneuvers, such as taking turns, going into reverse, and parking. You’ll take direct instructions from your instructor, but it will be you taking the wheel.

At this point, you should also expect to switch seats with your instructor many times because they’ll be giving you instructions while you’re driving. This is done to ensure you understand what they’re saying.

#4 – Lots of Questions Will Be Asked

As you drive, your instructor will ask many questions based on your actions. They’ll also ask questions about what you’ve learned in the classroom. Remember that your instructor is just testing you to see if you understand what they’re teaching.

These questions will help you pass your driving test because they’re the same questions you might ask. There are no trick questions because you’ll be tested on what you’ve learned. If you can’t answer a question, you shouldn’t feel bad because you’ll have another chance to demonstrate your knowledge in the practical test.

#5 – Driving Tips Will Be Taught

You’ll have many things to do while driving because you’ll need to check your mirrors and be aware of your surroundings. You should also focus on making turns, changing lanes, and staying in your lane. You should also learn how to parallel park because you’ll use this skill often.

Instead of being nervous, you should take advantage of the in-car lesson to learn what you need to do to pass your driving test. Let your instructor teach you the tips and hints you need to know to obtain your driver’s license.

#6 – A Personalized Report Will Be Given to You

After the lesson, you should receive a report that will tell you what you did right and what you need to work on. This will help guide your driving lessons so you can pass the practical test. If you keep practicing what your instructor told you, you should be able to pass.


Learning how to drive a car will be challenging, but you can lighten the load by knowing what to expect in an in-car driving lesson. Because these lessons are tailored for you, it will be easier to know what topics to cover and how to pass the driving test. Your job is to listen to whatever your instructor will say, so be sure to do them.

If you’re looking for a driving school in Langley, Midtown Driving School is the place for you! Our comprehensive driver’s training program will ensure you’re equipped with the knowledge to be ready for the road at an affordable price. Simply go to our website to register!

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How to Navigate Intersections Safely: 6 Useful Tips

busy intersection

Driving carefully is essential when you’re out on the road, especially if you are a beginner driver and want to keep yourself safe from possible accidents. There are particular roads and routes where you have to be more meticulous to stay safe. In particular, you have to be wary of intersections.

Intersections have multiple moving parts, and ensuring they move smoothly is crucial to seamless and safe navigation. If you want your journey at intersections to be a breeze, here are some useful tips you can follow.

1. Be Prepared by Researching Routes

Before you set out, you should have a rough idea of the route you plan to take. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re more likely to get lost and face problems. But if you know your destination in advance, you can check the road conditions, potential traffic situation, and what exactly you must do when you get to the intersection.

So, read up on the roads you will be taking and get to know the intersections you’ll pass by. They are often large and busy, so you need to familiarize yourself with the area. This way, you know where you are going if you get lost.

2. Give Yourself Enough Time to Travel

When you hit an intersection, you need to give yourself enough time to drive through it. This is especially true when a major road you’re on becomes smaller or when you need to turn right or left to another major road.

You should also be mindful of traffic patterns. Do you know when and where the heaviest traffic is at a particular intersection? If you know these things, you can factor it into your travel time, so you won’t be rushing when you are on the road.

3. Avoid High-Risk Intersections If You’re Not Too Skilled

Often, intersections with more movement and higher traffic volume are more dangerous and stressful to navigate, so you should avoid them if you’re not a confident driver. If you are still not comfortable with these intersections but you have no choice, try to navigate them during non-peak hours.

4. Observe Speed Limits

Speed limits are there for a reason, and that is to keep you safe. It is especially true with intersections. You should be extra careful with your speed when you are at an intersection. Get an idea of how fast you can go and hit the brakes if you have to.

5. Check Your Rearview Mirror before Continuing

While your main focus is to get over to the other side of the intersection, you can’t forget that you are not the only other driver on the road. Other drivers are out there; some are not paying attention, and there may even be a few who erratically drive. This is especially true when you are at a major intersection where many vehicles are on the road.

You need to constantly check your rearview mirror when you are driving, especially when you are in an intersection. Other vehicles coming from other directions are also making their way to that intersection, and you need to be mindful of your safety.

6. Don’t Break the Traffic Rules

Stoplights, road signs, and laws are there for a reason—so you stay safe. The narration of rules of the road and traffic signals are some of the things you expect to find in a driving course. So, you need to know what they mean and obey them.

For instance, it doesn’t matter if you’re a professional driver or a beginner. Whenever you’re on the road, and you see a stop light, you need to stop.

Final Thoughts 

Driving at intersections is not a walk in the park, but with the right amount of knowledge and a lot of practice, you can easily drive the road. Don’t forget to follow these useful tips to help you navigate intersections safely and smoothly.

Improve your driving skills and master driving at intersections by enrolling in Midtown Driving School. As the best driving school in Langley, we assure you that you will learn about navigating the roads best and keeping yourself safe. Call us today to get started

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Everything That You Need to Know about Road Signs

stop sign

The main thing that beginner drivers tend to struggle with is road signs. Driving is already quite tricky when you’re starting out and having a poor understanding of the signs that you encounter on the road will make things infinitely more difficult. This is why we thought it would be useful to put together a brief article on this subject. If this is something that you’re interested in learning more about, read on as we break down everything you need to know about road signs.

Types of Road Signs


While there are different road signs to promote safe driving, they can be summed up into three different categories:


  1. Regulatory Road Signs: Regulatory road signs provide drivers with important information about driving rules, traffic laws, and road safety protocols. While almost every regulatory sign must be followed all the time, there are a few conditional laws that are applied based on the time, location, speed, and weather. Typical examples of regulatory signs include stop signs, speed limit signs, one-way signs, and yield signs. Although traffic signs do not come in a specific shape, size, or colour,

  2. Warning Road Signs: It goes without saying but these signboards are for the driver’s alert. They let you know about possible road hazards. They give you an idea about upcoming potential traffic, pedestrian, or animal crossings. Common examples are bend ahead, roundabout ahead, slippery road conditions, etc.

  3. Guide Road Signs: Lastly, guide road signs are usually used to express location-specific information to help you identify where things are. These are usually rectangular in shape and are either green or white so that they can be read easily. The shape of these signs varies depending on their use. Common examples of guide road signs are freeway entry and exit signs, parking signs, and rest stop signs.

Common Shapes of Road Signs

 The shapes of the sign also carry specific meanings. Understanding what the shapes mean will allow you to better interpret what road signs mean. Here are commonly used shapes for road signs:


  1. Octagon: Octagons are dedicated to stop signs. If you see a sign shaped like an octagon it usually means you have to make a full stop.


  1. Circles: Signs that are in the shape of a circle are usually legal orders or prohibitions.

  2. Pentagons: These signs are used to indicate school zones. They are usually brightly coloured to catch a driver’s attention.


  1. Crossbucks: Crossbucks usually indicate railway crossings. These signs mean you should stop when there is a train crossing the space.

  2. Rectangles: These signs are typically used in combination with circular or triangular signs, and they indicate the restrictions on motorbike riders. They can also warn of hazards ahead, such as hidden dips in the road.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you gain a better understanding of road signs that you will encounter when driving. While this may seem complicated at first, everything that we’ve discussed here should give you good foundational knowledge that will be useful out on the road. Feel free to look back on this article if you need a quick refresher on this subject.

If you need further help with driving, why not try out a car driving school? At Midtown Driving School we have designed classes with the busy student in mind. We have a very flexible system of classes that allows students to take the classes in any order they wish and at their own pace.

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7 Practical Benefits of Enrolling in a Driving School


Enrolling in a driving school is an investment, in and of itself. You will need to give your time, effort, and money to properly learn how to drive. However, it has a lot of benefits for drivers, especially those who want to become professionally licensed for commercial vehicles like four-wheelers and the like.

Here are seven practical benefits of enrolling in a driving school you should take note of:

1. Gain Defensive Driving Skills Personally

Driving schools offer many benefits that you can’t learn from a book. The best way to get these benefits is by attending the school to learn about the taught defensive driving skills. The good thing about these skills is that they will help your driving ability improve over time. 

2. Learn From a Professional

Driving schools have professional instructors who have plenty of experience and drive safely. This is one of the most significant advantages of attending a driving school. 

The only way to learn from someone is when you are associated with them. There’s no better place to do that than sitting in a classroom, learning first-hand from the experts, and doing actual driving tests practicing the best safety measures to take when driving. 

3. Leads to Confidence Behind the Wheel

Driving schools are a great place to work on your confidence in driving. This is especially true when you’re a beginner driver. The thing about attending a driving school is that you will be able to improve your skills using the expertise of the instructors who are available to guide you.

4. Saves You Time

If you’re busy with work or school, you may not have the time to read a full driving manual. The benefit of attending a driving school is that you will get all the skills you need to improve your driving skills. You will also be able to do it in the shortest amount of time possible. 

5. Develop Better Driving Habits

Driving schools offer better habits that can save you a lot of money in the long run. With the proper driving skills, you will be able to drive safely. This is a great way to avoid spending a lot of money on fuel and other driving costs.

6. Gain a Better Driving Record

The great thing about driving schools is that they offer you the ability to learn how to drive a vehicle properly. With the skills you learn from the school, you’ll be able to drive a car more safely, which results in a better driving record.

Additionally, taking driving classes can help you save money on your auto insurance prices. Driving lessons may help you get a clean driving record and a reduced insurance quote due to your efforts. They might reduce car insurance premiums by up to 30 percent if you haven’t filed a claim in a few years.

7. Learn at Your Schedule or Pace

Another advantage of enrolling in a driving school is that you are free to drive wherever you want, whenever you want. This is an excellent alternative to driving around with a family member or friend. You are free to choose your schedule, and you can be the only one who knows your driving schedule. 


Driving schools offer many benefits that you can’t learn from a book. This is why it’s best to attend a driving school to learn about the taught defensive driving skills. The good thing about these skills is that they will help your driving ability improve over time.

Midtown Driving School provides expert driving lessons in Langley and the surrounding regions for teenagers and adults. Enroll your teen now and be confident that they will be ready to drive when they obtain their license!

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Driving 101: 7 Tips to Help You Pass Your Canadian Road Test


It’s a well-known fact that driving is a quintessential life skill. After all, commuting isn’t always an option because you want to be as comfortable as possible during your travels, especially if there’s a considerable distance. As such, driving is your best bet. However, you don’t just go on the road when you feel like it because you must learn how to drive first.

Learning how to drive isn’t easy, but it’s necessary. In a place like Canada, you need to have a driver’s license if you plan on getting around by car. You’ll need to take a road test involving driving on the open road. However, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be because we’ve listed some tips to help you, such as:

#1 – Check the Controls

This may sound like a no-brainer, but you must know where all the controls are before taking the road test. This includes the steering wheel, but it also consists of the pedals, signals, and other buttons. The controls also differ depending on the vehicle you’re driving, so remember that.

#2 – Follow Speed Limits

The speed limit ensures that all drivers go at the same pace, especially on the open road. This means that you must follow it. If you don’t, you risk getting into an accident. Worse, you might not even know that you’re speeding because you’ll be so focused on your driving skills.

#3 – Slowly Stop before Reaching a Stop Sign

You must stop before reaching a stop sign because that’s common sense. The problem is that some people out there never stop, which is why you must always slow down before the stop sign. Doing so will help you avoid any unnecessary accidents, which is the whole point of taking the road test. You might think that you won’t see a stop sign from far away, but it’s always a good idea to slow down just in case.

#4 – Don’t Forget to Use Your Parking Brake

Braking is one of the fundamental driving skills that you must master. However, you also need to use your parking brake, especially if you have to stop in an area with other cars, because it might not be safe if you stop without it.

For example, your car might be jostled if other vehicles surround it. Some of them might not even stop when you do, which could lead to an accident. As such, learn how to use your parking brake and use it whenever you park on the roadside.

#5 – Use Turn Signals

Turn signals are necessary because they communicate to other drivers that you’re changing lanes. The problem is that some people forget to use them, which is why you should use them to avoid accidents. Some people simply don’t have a good memory, so you should always use your turn signals.

#6 – Anticipate Other Cars’ Movements

You may not be a mind reader, but you should always assume that other drivers will try something. Since there are millions of drivers on the road, not all will follow the rules. For example, other cars might suddenly change lanes and create an accident. As such, you should always anticipate this behaviour. Doing so will help you avoid accidents because you can quickly react.

#7 – Keep Practicing

Above all else, you need to keep practicing if you ever want to become a good driver in the first place. Of course, we’re talking about practicing on the open road, but you can also practice in a controlled environment.

Aside from practicing, you should also read the driver’s manual and watch some tutorials online. This way, you’ll become familiar with many things to help you learn how to drive better.


Learning how to drive can be pretty stressful, especially when taking your road test. Taking a road test is essential, but it shouldn’t be a stressful experience. All that matters is following instructions to ensure you’ll ace the test with flying colours.

If you’re looking for a driving school in Langley, look no further than Midtown Driving School! Our professional driving instructors will ensure you’ll be equipped with the necessary knowledge to drive safely at affordable prices. Simply go to our website to register!

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5 Tips To Help You Find The Right Driving School In Canada

Driving School

Are you sick and tired of sitting and waiting for the bus or taxi to arrive, not to mention the several minutes or even hours of journey to your destination? If so, then you should get a car. But of course, there’s a problem: you don’t have a license. Now, you could just go to the nearest driving centre to pick up your license, but did you know that picking the right driving school is vital to your success, not only in obtaining a license but also in becoming a safe driver? It’s true!

So, if you’re looking to finally earn your driving license in Canada, here’s how you can pick the right school:

1. Check Out Their Website

Visit their website and look for their driving safety record. If they boast of a good safety record, or even better, if they’ve got a perfect score, then they couldn’t be better! A safety record is a reflection of a school’s commitment to the safety of their students, and this is an excellent clue as to how they will treat you as a student.

2. Look At The Pricing

The next thing to look for when you visit their website is their pricing. This is important because if you’re strapped for cash, then you might have to skip a meal or two to afford the school fees, which is something you wouldn’t want to do just to learn to drive. So, before signing up for any school, make sure you can afford it!

3. See The Reviews

Another way to check out a school’s suitability for you is to read their reviews. They can be found on their website or on review sites if they don’t have one of their own. If the reviews are favourable, then you’re good to go! However, if you can find reviews that are bad, you should think twice before signing up with that school since these bad reviews are an indicator that they might not be the best school for you.

4. Look At The Instructor’s Qualifications

Another thing you’ll want to look at is the school’s instructor’s qualifications. If they’re qualified in their field, then your learning experience is bound to be great! If their instructors are not qualified, then please don’t sign up for their lessons. This can only mean a waste of your money and time!

5. Find Their Course Content

And lastly, look at their course content. This is when your research skills are put to the test. How to look at their course content? Simply Google the topics, and if you find that the school’s course content is very similar to that of other driving schools, then you’re all set! However, if the course content is very different from the other schools out there, then you should proceed with caution. Why? Because a school that teaches very different material is bound to have a different set of standards. This, of course, can be a good or bad thing, so tread carefully.


And there you have it! These are the steps you should take to ensure that you get the right driving school for you. Picking the right school is the first step to getting your license, so make sure you do your homework before deciding on a school for yourself. This gives you a great head start in ensuring that you get your license and, more importantly, becoming a responsible and safe driver.

Midtown Driving School offers classes that are designed for busy students, offering flexible classes that anyone can take in any order and at their own pace. If you are looking for a driving school in Langley, book with us today!

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4 Benefits You Can Have from Going to Driving School


Sure, you can ask your dad to assist you when learning how to drive in an open parking space where there is no one else. You can definitely learn some important skills to ensure you have control over the vehicle. However, how about other things, like road rules, tips and tricks, and more? Plus, how do you feel if your dad snaps at you for making a mistake? These questions might fill your mind, leaving you wondering if your father, or essentially anyone else, is equipped to train you for the road. Well, that’s why we’re here today to give you a better solution: a driving school!

Today, we want to share with you all the benefits you can have from going to driving school:

1. Boosts Your Confidence Levels When Driving

When learning the basics of driving, one is bound to make mistakes at first. That’s alright, and that’s normal because everyone did when they first started driving. The problem is that you may get frustrated because you are afraid to go out on the road. So, do you want to feel confident when driving on the road? Then, you should consider going to a driving school.

From driving school, you will get some tips and tricks that will help you drive with confidence. There are so many courses you can take, from various kinds of lessons and more! Take our advice, and you will be able to conquer the road and never have any problems when driving with no one else in the passenger seat!

2. Enjoy Training in a Safe Place

The last thing you want to happen is to be out on the road and drive in an open parking space, where there are other vehicles and people around. You may want to save money by driving around in an open parking space, but if you have a passenger with you for any reason, that could be a problem. You could easily get distracted by the person sitting in the passenger seat. If that person keeps telling you what to do, you may end up ignoring the traffic rules, which can lead to disastrous outcomes.

For that reason, we highly recommend that you attend a driving school that offers proper training. Make sure to go to a driving school so that you can learn how to drive safely while not worrying about anyone else!

3. Access to More Powerful Training Techniques

When you attend a driving school, you will get access to many courses that will allow you to learn a lot more about driving. Imagine you have to learn how to park between two other cars. You can do it by yourself, but will you be confident that you can do it safely?

More importantly, you will be taught how to control the vehicle properly when your body is not aligned or how to control when your shoulders are not parallel to the road. These are just some of the things you will learn when going to a driving school. All these courses will ensure that you can drive properly and safely, so you never have to worry about getting into an accident again!

4. Teachers Are Knowledgeable and Experienced

The last reason to consider going to a driving school is that the teachers are knowledgeable and experienced. They all have the proper training and certifications to teach you everything you need to know in a safe and secure environment.

The teachers will go over things like your blind spots, how to drive properly, how to practice parking and more! If you want to learn how to drive properly, then you should go to a reputable driving school.


Now that you know all the benefits you can have from attending a driving school, you might want to consider joining them. However, do not just join any driving school. Instead, check for the best one first. After all, you want to make sure you can trust the teachers and that they are knowledgeable and experienced enough to help you learn how to drive properly!

Midtown Driving School offers flexible driving classes that are designed for busy individuals to learn at their own pace. If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy car driving school in BC, book with us today!

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Beginner Driving: Common Problems Faced By Learners


As exciting as it can be, learning how to drive can be a little overwhelming if you’re just getting started. It’s a lot to take in, after all, and you might have some concerns before you even get started. To help give you an idea, let’s break down some of the most common problems learners face. With the help of instructors, you’re sure to find the right mindset to get into driving. 

How Gears Work In Manual Vehicles

The first thing people usually ask about is how gearing works in a manual car. In simple terms, each gear is in charge of a certain speed range when driving. Lower gears will be able to push your car more but won’t be able to go as fast. Higher gears, meanwhile, can go really fast but have a hard time moving your car forward if it’s at a stop. 

Normally, instructors will ease you into the groove by having you practice with just the first gear. Once you’ve got that down, you’ll move on to the next, practicing how to shift as you go along. 

How the Clutch Works

Now to the part that causes a lot of new drivers to think twice about their decision. Learning how to balance the accelerator and the clutch is not as hard as you might think but learning how it works might help give you an idea of how to achieve it. 

You can think of the clutch as the thing that helps your car “accept” the new gear you’ve selected. So, when changing gears, remember that you first need to engage the clutch, shifting only when you’ve done that. After choosing the right gear, slowly release the pedal while giving your car a little more gas. 

Driving in Reverse

It’s no surprise that people initially find it hard to drive in reverse but it’s a skill that’s easily learned. Lessons focused on this will usually have the learned drive a basic path in reverse, looking at the back only through the side window. Over time, the difficulty of the course will increase and then, eventually, the learner will have to learn how to reverse the car with only the rearview mirror as a reference. 

Parking Woes

Common enough to become a popular joke among new drivers, parking can cause more than a few people to worry about their skills. No compromises here as this skill is a necessity. The lessons will cater to the learner, though, and newer drivers will only be asked to park in easy parking spots. As they develop their skill, the instructor will have them park in increasingly difficult scenarios. 

Driving Etiquette

Most often left little attention is driving etiquette. Before your instructor allows you to drive alone in public, you will need to show that you know the rules of the road and the courtesies involved with driving amongst other people. Turn indicators, road signs, and speed restrictions are just some of the topics under this and it’s best if you could put time into learning the theory before you even get in a car. 


At the end of the day, learning how to drive a car is a fun and exhilarating experience, albeit one that requires learners to pay close attention to what they’re doing. It might seem like a chore now but if it makes you a better and safer driver, it’s effort well worth it. 

If you need extra help learning how to drive, why not try out a ​​car driving school? At Midtown Driving School we have designed classes with the busy student in mind. We have a very flexible system of classes that allows students to take the classes in any order they wish and at their own pace.